Associates in Arts Degree in German

Associate in Arts Degree in German

The associate in arts degree in German at DVC will provide students with skills in understanding, speaking, reading and writing German. It also gives students a greater understanding of German culture and civilization and will prepare them for a broad range of international and domestic career opportunities and professions. The degree will also provide students the opportunity to transfer to UC, CSU and other four-year colleges and universities to earn a bachelor’s degree. 

The DVC German major is intended for transfer. Students who intend to transfer must consult with a program advisor or counselor to ensure that the requirements for transfer to baccalaureate-granting institutions of their choice are met. Students who intend to transfer are advised to select General Education Option 2 (IGETC) or Option 3 (CSUGE). Option 1 (DVC General Education) is appropriate for those students who do not intend to transfer. Students may not take a credit/no credit option for major courses and each of the major requirements must be completed with a “C” grade or higher. Certain courses may satisfy both a major and a general education requirement; however, the units are counted only once. 

To earn an associate in arts degree in German, students must complete 20 units from the list of major requirements, which will provide students with the essential grammar of the language, culture and basic literature of the German-speaking countries. Students with no previous knowledge of German when entering DVC will take the first four courses in the list for a total of 20 units. If students enter the program with previous knowledge of German, they may start at the second term level and take fifth and sixth terms to achieve a total of 21 units. 

Complete at least 20 units from: 

GRMAN-120 First Term German  (5 units) 

GRMAN-121 Second Term German (5 units) 

GRMAN-220 Third Term German (5 units) 

GRMAN-221 Fourth Term German (5 units) 

GRMAN-230 Fifth Term German (3 units) 

GRMAN-231 Sixth Term German (3 units) 

total minimum units for the major = 20 units